Easy Peasy Hostas

Easy Peasy Hostas

Let's face it, even the most experienced gardeners and collectors love it when they find a plant that is just easy. One of those varieties that you can just stick in the ground or a pot and let it do it's thing. Having grown thousands of hostas over many years, there are certainly plenty of varieties that need that extra attention and that cause us more problems, so even we love those easy ones too!

In this article we thought we would put together what we think are the top 3 varieties of each size: miniature/small, medium and large/giant. These are our top choices but we'd always love to hear your experiences growing them and what others you might recommend. 

Miniature and Small Varieties 


A beautiful small variety with yellow leaves and a dark green margin. We love this variety due to it's versatility. Hosta 'Goldrush' grows well both in the ground or in a pot. This variety could be used as groundcover or as a stand alone specimen in a pot.

Hosta 'Goldrush'

Rock Island Line

A stunning variety with small green leaves and a creamy white margins. Like 'Goldrush', Hosta 'Rock Island Line' can be used as ground cover or grown on it's on in a pot. We love using this varieties in our displays, giving a pop of colour into a small space. 

Hosta 'Rock Island Line'

Blue Mouse Ears

The best miniature variety in our opinion. Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears' has thick coral like leaves. We recommend growing this in a pot although it will grow in the ground no problem. There are so many mouse series varieties but none are as easy peasy as the original mouse 'Blue Mouse Ears'. 

Hosta 'Blue Mouse Ears'

Medium Varieties 

Lakeside Spellbinder

A colourful medium sized variety with yellow centre which turns white later in the season and white green margins. We love 'Lakeside Spellbinder' for it's vibrant colours and rapid growth. Most varieties with white leaves can be a bit temperamental but as the centre starts yellow it tends to be a better grower.

Hosta 'Lakeside Spellbinder'


As we have always said, the best varieties there is and also the most popular. There is a reason that Hosta 'June' is so popular, it's a really easy variety to grow, it looks great, and it will tolerate both shady and sunny positions. An added benefit of this variety is it's thick leaves, which give it good resistance to slug damage.

Hosta 'June'

Deane's Dream

Such an underrated variety, this medium hosta has thick blue leaves and a lovely speckled purple stems. Hosta 'Deane's Dream' has proven to be one of the best varieties for growing directly in the ground. At the nursery we have a hosta garden and this is one of the standout performers. 

Hosta 'Deane's Dream'

Large and Giant Varieties

Hasta Manana

Green leaves that turn yellow later in the Summer and white margins. This variety is always a reliable grower that we can't recommend enough. Hosta 'Hasta Manana' is a sport of the classic 'Gold Standard'. 

Hosta 'Hasta Manana'


One of the best fragrant varieties in our opinion. This large variety has chartreuse leaves with a blue green margin. A very attractive hosta that can really brighten up a dark corner of the garden. Another benefit of this variety is it's excellent sun tolerance. Hosta of the Year 2002.

Hosta 'Guacamole'

Krossa Regal

An elegant blue giant. Hosta 'Krossa Regal' is the perfect variety to plant at the back of a border with smaller hostas in front. The leaves are elliptical with slightly wavy margins. Silvery and stunning powder grey stems support arching plateaus of blue leaves. Extraordinarily robust in growth.

Hosta 'Krossa Regal'



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